Reboot your Mind Body and Soul

By rebooting your Mind, Body, and Soul we offer several opportunities to experience an integrated holistic approach to manage your health naturally. We encourage people to follow our mind and body approach to get a healthy lifestyle.

There is a strong connection between Body and Mind. Our Mind is also affected by our Soul. Mind, Body, Soul means ‘Our Well-being does not come from just physical health, but mental health and spiritual health as well’.

The Body and Mind are the inner part of a human being, particularly his brain and maybe his heart. The soul is the spiritual nature of humankind and it is separable from the body at death. The mind is the tool of thinking, reasoning, and applying knowledge.

We live in the world where we only give importance to our physical wellness but in today’s fast-paced life and competitive world, we have to deal with a lot of stress and pressure so as a result of it our mind, body, and soul are not in balance. People don’t have time to find peace or to pay attention to their intuition or inner guidance system and it’s hard to achieve mental and spiritual wellness. Wellness means to enhance the quality of our life, our personal growth, professional growth, positive lifestyle, positive behavior and attitude towards life.


Every “body” has its unique constitution, and everybody is here to fulfill a specific purpose of their life. We have the different physical aptitude, genetic traits and environmental influences that make our bodies and our physical experiences unique.

The body is our outer shell which is a product of both the mind and soul. If our bodies are not working properly, it’s a sign that there is disharmony within our body, mind, and soul so we should listen to our body to find out its unique requirements.

  • Body cleansing
  • Holistic Diet
  • Sound Sleep
  • Yog & Exercise
  • Energy chakras healing

Our body reflects our inner being. If our Mind, Body, and Soul is in balance then our body is in balance. The disease occurs when the Mind, Body, and Soul are not working in harmony, means when these three components are out of alignment we become unhealthy. The body is a complex machine designed by nature to serve the spirit / soul. Without the soul or connection to the vital life force, the body is useless and that's why, after death, the body cannot function. Negative emotions arise when we are not in balance. Suppressed desires, unhappiness, boredom, lethargy, anxiety, stress, worry, sadness, jealousy, anger, loss, loneliness, emptiness and a feeling of dissatisfaction can bring about a deterioration in health and over time lead to disease.


In my opinion, 85% of diseases are psychosomatic and everything starts in our mind and we can't ignore it. Psycho means Mind and Soma is a Greek word means "Body". Psychosomatic means one's mental state may have an important effect on one's physical state

Mind interacts between body and soul. Mind registers and filters our emotions.

The Goals of the mind are

  • Increasingour self-awareness
  • Focusingour mind on things that benefit you
  • quietingour mind

When we born we were connected to the Universal Intelligence, our mind used to follow our natural guidance. Over time our mind lost this strong connection to intuition as stimuli in the environment start to influence behavior. Actions generate responses, pain, laughter, sadness, anger etc. and over the time our mind creates a memory which influences our future actions.

The mind started to depend on the learned responses rather than the intuitive ones and a discrepancy with the soul path created dissatisfaction and imbalance. When this happens people face disappointment, failure, stress, anxiety, loss of faith, loss of self-esteem, low confidence, fear from future, hopelessness, and depression. So it is very important for our mind to be aligned with our soul/spirit, to make decisions that feel right, to allow our bodies and actions to be guided by that source of infinite intelligence and wisdom that creates and drives everything in nature.

In this connected state our soul, mind and body are in balance, bringing health and wellbeing to our lives and ultimately true happiness in our lives.


The soul is the core of our being. We can never experience happiness by suppressing our spirit and our soul. The mind needs to feed the soul without which life does not exist. By connecting to our inner guidance system and raising our consciousness, the mind nourishes the soul and we can attain profound peace and inner bliss. The soul can establish a connection with the Divine power, Universal Intelligence, God of your Understanding, Natures Wisdom and gain true happiness in life.

The result is we become happy both inside and outside. We are able to find the true meaning of our lives, happiness is gained and spread around us.

Program Detail

Program Details Appointment Details Cost
3 months 12 - 12 Consultation
- Prakriti Analysis
- Body Detox
- Personalize genetic diet plan
- Nutritional healing
INR : 18,000
USD : 245
3 months Special 15 - 9 Consultations + 6 Counselling session
- Prakriti Analysis
- Body Detox
- Personalize genetic diet plan
- Nutritional healing
- Other therapies
INR : 25,000
USD : 339
6 months 24 - 24 Consultations
- Prakriti Analysis
- Body Detox
- Personalize genetic diet plan
- Nutritional healing
- Other therapies
INR : 34,999
USD : 475
6 months Special 30 - 18 Consultations + 12 Counselling session
- Prakriti Analysis
- Body Detox
- Personalize genetic diet plan
- Nutritional healing
- Other individual therapies
INR : 54,999
USD : 749
12 months 36 - 18 Consultations + 18 Counselling session
- Prakriti Analysis
- Body Detox
- Personalize genetic diet plan
- Nutritional healing
- Other individual therapies
- Lifelong support
INR : 1,24,999
USD : 1699
1. Interactions happen either in-person or on video call, so you can join from anywhere across the globe.
2. Urgent appointments for critically ill/ cancer patients/ Heart patients.
3. Fees is non-refundable and non-transferable.
4. INR fees will be converted in USD rates and will be applicable for everyone residing outside India.
All taxes included.