Full body Detox Therapy (Sodhanchikitsa)

  • Prakriti Analysis
  • Stomach cleans
  • Kidney cleans
  • Intestine cleans
  • Ayurveda Body Massage with traditional Ayurvedic oils
  • Herbal Steam bath
  • Shirodhara
  • Netra Tarpana
  • Nasyam
  • Karnapoornam(Ear Pouring)
  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle Nutrition Consultation
  • Ayurvedic Herbs

This Detox therapy is a process of cleansing and rejuvenation of the mind and the body. “Shodhanchikitsa” is a profound ayurvedic treatment which is a blessing for a healthy life and it can cure diseases that have no allopathic cure. Detox therapy must be done after any long term allopathic treatment, to avoid the post side effects of high doses of allopathic drugs.


Detoxification therapy(Shodhanchikitsa) Cleans the outer body as well as the Inner system. Shodhanchikitsa helps to purify and detoxify the whole body with the help of massages with medicated oils and herbs, along with a comprehensive diet program. It is essentially a body purification therapy which eliminates toxins and re-furbishes the Tri-doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, to a balanced condition. It also enhances immunity & natural healing power.

It is suitable for All Class people Who Wants to Detoxify and eliminate the toxins from the body and Rejuvenate the Inner Body.

Useful For The Patients Of All diseases Including Digestive system, obesity, Skin Diseases, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, etc.

Stress Management Therapy (Mental Detox)

  • Ayurveda Body& head Massage with traditional Ayurvedic oils
  • Herbal Steam bath
  • Shirodhara
  • Nasyam
  • Yoga and exercise
  • Relaxation and Meditation techniques
  • Ayurvedic Life Style And Nutrition Consultation

In our daily lives, as we are always in a rush to reach our individual as well as professional targets, we overlook our daily life enjoyments and its moments. We neglect to take a break and relax. Managing good mental health is completely essential to handle challenging work and social life.


It will help you to be Mentally and Physically Stress-Free and to Create Healthy Body and The Healthy Mind And make You Energetic.

It is best for Businessmen, Industrialist, Film Makers, Celebrities, Stars, Teachers, Intellectuals, IT Professionals.

Rejuvenation Therapy (RasayanChikitsa)

  • Ayurveda Body Massage with traditional Ayurvedic oils
  • Herbal Steam bath
  • Shirodhara
  • Netra Tarpana(Special Eye Care Treatment)
  • Nasyam
  • Karnapoornam(Ear Pouring)
  • Naval oiling
  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle And Nutrition Consultation

Rejuvenation therapy is the Ayurvedic philosophy of “Prevention is better than cure”. With aging, the body tissues undergo many changes. Rasayana Chikitsa aims at improving the health and the longevity of people by enhancing their metabolism, repairing the wear and tear of the body due to aging or diseases, removing waste products and toxins, improving the immunity and increasing tissue turnover. It boosts the ‘Ojas’ (vital force of life) and improves the ‘Sattva’ (mental clarity).


It will help you to nourish your inner body as well as the Outer body. It increases the lifespan, improves memory and intelligence, leads to the better complexion, restores youthfulness, improves immunity, enhances endurance levels and leads to improved sensory perception abilities.

It Is Suitable for IT Professional, Intellectuals Persons Like Architect, Professor, Teachers, Film Directors, Doctors, Lawyers, Businessmen, Industrialist, IT Professionals Etc.

Natural Weight loss Therapy

  • Constitution Analysis
  • Ayurveda Body Massage with traditional Ayurvedic oils
  • Udavartanam using special herbal powder as per traditional Ayurvedic procedures
  • Herbal Steam bath
  • Body detoxification
  • Ayurvedic Diet
  • Ayurveda Herbs
  • Yoga &Excercise
  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle Nutrition Consultation

Our Natural Ayurvedic slimming program helps you to balance your fat and metabolism. The ayurvedic body massage helps to eliminate your excess body fat and keeps you energetic and fit. The unique design diet program according to your Prakriti, helps you to increase your metabolism. It drastically reduces your weight without starving and keeps you healthy.


It will help you to reduce your weight naturally and permanently. This therapy can help one to lose up to 10 - 25 Kgs of weight without starving himself / herself. These massages help to eliminate fats from the body and thus keep it healthy.

Anti Aging Therapy (Beauty care program)

  • Constitution Analysis
  • Ayurveda Body Massage with traditional Ayurvedic oils
  • Herbal Steam bath
  • Shirodhara
  • Herbal Face Rejuvenation Mask
  • Hair Treatment
  • Udvartanam therapy
  • Traditional Eyepack(To Remove Dark Circles and Wrinkles)
  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle Nutrition Consultation

The beauty care program includes the application of herbal face packs, herbal creams, steam bath, and intake of a balanced nutritious diet and a special herbal tea. Herbal oil massages are highly recommended as a part of this treatment.


It helps you to nourish the Skin Internally and make skin glow naturally and enhances the skin tone as well as its complexion, Improves Skin Tone and elasticity, makes it wrinkle-free. This is the best therapy to reverse the aging process.

It Is Suitable for All including Corporate girls, Businesswomen, Actress, Actors, Models, All Aged people who always wish to remain beautiful.

Reverse Diseases

Most of the people can never stay healthy in their whole life, they always suffer from one or another disease or symptom but they don’t know WHY?

They just keep changing the doctors or medical treatments but they never get the desired result. The question you have to ask yourself “Are you the one among them?”

The truth is your illness has nothing to do with your doctor or treatments – they are EXTERNAL. The root cause of your health problem is INTERNAL which you need to address and remove it.

We teach you the art of living a healthy lifestyle and reversing any of your disease with very easy ways.

That’s what you will learn in our“Holistic Health & Wellness” program. You will discover the root cause of your illness which always gives you either disease or symptoms, the one way or the other way.