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The disease does not come into the body without reason, some root cause is definitely hidden behind it. If we remove these root causes then diseases can be easily cured with 100% results. So we should focus on both, our physical health as well as our mental health.As we know that our body and mind are interlinked. So if our mind is not healthy, then our body cannot be healthy. If any mental problem stays in our mind for a long time, then it definitely leaves a bad impact on our body.

This is the reason why we take medicines throughout our life for diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, chronic acidity, migraine, asthma, obesity, arthritis and many such symptoms. This is a lifestyle disorder but it is also a psychosomatic disease. Apart from this, autoimmune diseases are also included in psychosomatic diseases because these diseases are also associated with our mind somewhere.

In today's fast paced life mental problems are very common. Because every person has to deal with stress, anxiety, grief, tension, jealousy, comparison, despair etc. and you cannot avoid it even if you want to because our lifestyle has become something like this.

'THE INSTANT HEALTH' book describes the physiological, biological, psychological and scientific causes of the disease, so that you will understand what are the main causes of the disease and how can they be overcome?

This book teaches you the art of living a healthy lifestyle and reversing any of your illnesses in very easy ways, which will help you in the Complete Health Transformation. Through which you will discover the root cause of your disease, which gives you disease or symptoms again and again.