Personalised Genetic Diet

There are so many questions come in our mind when we think about our diet or choose our food. Such as:

  • Is the low carb diet healthy for me?
  • Should I be a vegetarian?
  • Are dairy products good?
  • Is cholesterol bad for me?
  • How much sugar do I eat daily?
  • Should I eat fat free items?
  • What is the best diet for human?

The Personalized Diet is the uniquely designed diet for a person according to their body constitution, genes, environment etc. Personalized Genetic Diet is the more specific and healthy eating guide for the person. The goal of personalized Diet is to increase the health or to preserve the health by giving it proper medical, nutritional or genetic diet. Because every ‘body’ is unique and they respond differently to the same food. And that’s why the weight loss diet plan designed for one person sometimes doesn’t work to another person because they both have different genes or body type or physical structure. There is no diet plan in the word is the best diet for everyone.

Personalized Genetic Diet not only prevent us from diseases such as Diabetes, Blood pressure, Cardio Vascular disease, Obesity, Cancer or malnutrition but it also helps to cure these diseases. You might have heard this famous quote

“Let the medicines be your food and food be your medicines”

In Ayurveda Food is considered just as powerful as medicine. Our food directly affect our health so we should choose the food that are healthy for us so it works as medicine if we have any health issue or it works as nutrition for your body and keeps you healthy. So choose the food that are right for you, not just for others.

Our workshop for groups or organization

We conduct workshops for schools/colleges, hospitals, and social organizations, free of cost, to spread awareness about healthy living, eating right, and exercising. These hour-long workshops focus on demystifying healthy lifestyles, nutrition and exercise and provide practical suggestions.